feel I understand Existence, or at least a minute part Of my existence, only through my art, In terms of combinational delight; And if my private universe scans right, So does the verse of galaxies divine Which I suspect is an iambic line. — Pale Fire, Canto Four, 970-976 |
Other mentions of ‘combinational’: Foreword
Braffort, Paul. Nabokov
oulipien.... 2002.
Corn, Peggy Ward. “'Combinational Delight': The Uses of Story within a Story in Pale Fire,” Journal of Narrative Technique, Winter 1987, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 83- 90.
Grishakova, Marina. The Models of Space, Time and Vision in V. Nabokov’s Fiction: Narrative Strategies and Cultural Frames. Tartu: University of Tartu, 2012. (Tartu Semiotics Library; 5)
Karshan, Thomas. Nabokov and Play. Volume One. DPhil Thesis, Christ Church, Oxford UniversityTrinity, 2006.
Razumova, Lyudmila L. Literary Bilingualism as Cosmopolitan Practice: Vladimir Nabokov, Samuel Beckett, and Nancy Huston. Dissertation abstract.
Swanson, Roy Arthur. “Nabokov's Ada as Science Fiction,” Science Fiction Studies, # 5 (Volume 2, Part 1), March 1975.
Fugue No. 4: C-Sharp minor: Well-Tempered Clavier Book II (Bach fugue, with commentary, also on Nabokov)
Hale-Evans, Ronald. Zemblan: a vocab and references. Conlang Mailing List (conlang@buphy.bu.edu), 26 July 1991.
Kellman, Steven G. The Translingual Imagination. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000. Chapter 5: Nabokov and the Psychomorphology of Zemblan, pp. 63-72. (Book also mentions Esperanto.) Publisher description.
Krueger, John R. “Nabokov's Zemblan: A Constructed Language of Fiction,” Linguistics: An International Review, Volume 5, Issue 31, May 1967, pp. 44-49.
Meyer, Priscilla. “Etymology and Heraldry: Nabokov's Zemblan Translations: A bot on the Nabokov Escutcheon,” Texas Studies in Literature and Language, vol. 29, no. 4, Winter 1987, pp. 432-441.
Peterson, Ronald E. “Zemblan: Nabokov's Phony Scandinavian Language,” Vladimir Nabokov Research Newsletter, no. 12, Spring 1984, pp. 29-37.
Voss, Manfred; Meyer, Priscilla (reply). “How Not to Read Zemblan,” The Nabokovian, Fall 1990, 25, pp. 41-49.
The mysteries of Zembla, by Andrea Pitzer, March 1, 2013, The Secret History of Vladimir Nabokov.
“Entering Nova Zembla” by George Szirtes, The Hungarian Quarterly, volume XLVII, no. 184, Winter 2006; with other Nova Zembla poems in The Burning of the Books and Other Poems (Bloodaxe, 2014).
“Before We Thaw” by Tom Gilliver, in The Graft (Salt Publishing, 2012).
Inventions: Martin Gardner and Vladimir Nabokov, reply by Matthew Hodgart, The New York Review of Books, July 10, 1969.
Roberts, David Lindsay. WFF ‘N PROOF and the climate for Mathematical Recreations in the 1950s and 60s. Prepared for meeting of History and Pedagogy of Mathematics –Americas Section, March 14, 2010, Washington, DC.
Moran, Ashley. “Nabokov's Dozen: A Board Game,” NOJ / НОЖ: Nabokov Online Journal, Vol. II / 2008.
“Symbols and Signs,” The New Yorker, May 15, 1948.
“El Kosmo Vidas Mi Nenion” de Ludmila Silnova
“La poemo-maŝino” de Bertram Potts (“Nova Zemblo”)
“Muziko,” tradukis Grigori Arosev, en Rusaj amnoveloj (Jekaterinburg: Sezonoj, 2000), p. 19-22. (Rusa Literaturo; 7)
Pala Fajro, tradukis/adaptis Meva Maron, La Kromkancerkliniko, n-ro 7 (suplemento al La Kancerkliniko, n-ro 52, 1989)
(Ŝlosilvortoj: sciencfikcio, artefaritaj lingvoj, ars combinatoria, kombinatoriko, rakonta strukturo, Martin Gardner, ludo)
el Pala Fajro, Kvara Kanto, 970-976 |
tradukis Meva
tradukis R.
Mi sentas min kompreni l’ ekziston, aŭ almenaŭ etan parton de mia ekzistado, nur ĉar arton esprimas kombinatorika rav’; do se validas mia skanda prav’ de l’ mond’ privata, ankaŭ l’ univers’ sonoras ĝuste, laŭ mia jamba vers’. |
Mi sentas pri Ekzisto la komprenon, Eble de Ekzisto nu parteton, Nur per mia arto, mia vojo de kombinatoriko mia ĝojo; Kaj se privata kosmo prave skandas Do mi pri galaksi-versaro pravas: Ĝi die laŭ supozo jambe ravas. |
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