(Pseudonym of Christopher St. John Sprigg)
Collected Poems. Manchester: Carcanet: 1986.
as Politics: Selected Writings, edited by David Margolies. Pluto Press,
[new]; selections from Studies in a Dying Culture and Illusion and
Reality; “Heredity and Development: A Study of Bourgeois Biology”;
The Concept of Freedom. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1977.
The Crisis in Physics, edited with an introduction by Professor H[yman] Levy. London: John Lane, 1939 [repr. 1949]. New edition: Verso Books, 2018.
Illusion and Reality; a Study of the Sources of Poetry. New York: International Publishers, 1967.
Romance and Realism: A Study in English Bourgeois Literature, edited by Samuel Hynes. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1970.
Scenes and Actions: Unpublished Manuscripts, selected, edited, and introduced by Jean Duparc and David Margolies. London: New York: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1986.
Selected Bibliography
from The Wisdom of Gautama
from Heaviside
Short stories
from The Rock
The Mother Superior
Lodgings for the Night
The Bully
from The Island
The Play
A Bit in the Papers
The Piston
Homage to Calderon
The Bank
The Device
from Verse and Mathematics
Heredity and Development
Studies and Further Studies in a Dying Culture, introduction by Sol Yurick. New York: Monthly Review Press, 1971. [Reprint of Studies in a Dying Culture (1938) & Further Studies in a Dying Culture (1949)]
This My Hand [novel]. London: Hamish Hamilton, 1936.
[Note: The author also published several books of crime fiction and on aeronautics under his real name.]
Goldberg, Alan Ralph. Dialectics and Freedom in the Works of Christopher Caudwell. Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1972.Margolies, David N. The Function of Literature: A Study of Christopher Caudwell's Aesthetics. New York: International Publishers, 1969.
Nandy, Nabakumar, ed. Polemical Essays on Christopher Caudwell’s Illusion and Reality. Calcutta: SAS Publications, 1992.
Pawling, Christopher. Christopher Caudwell: Towards a Dialectical Theory of Literature. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1989.
Roberts, Edwin A. The Anglo-Marxists: A Study in Ideology and Culture. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1997.
Note “Postscript: Christopher Caudwell, Ghost of Marxism’s Future,” pp. 95-96, 101-102. Roberts summarizes the negative assessments of Caudwell and notes how his ideas were picked up in the 1960s, when affinities with Western Marxism were noticed. Caudwell “does not belong in our study” for his work belongs not to his time but to Marxism’s future.
Sheehan, Helena. Marxism and the Philosophy of Science. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities Press, 1985. See pp. 350-385. [See web page links below.] 2nd ed., 1993. New ed., with a new afterword by the author: London: Verso, 2018. (Radical Thinkers)
Singh, Darbar. Philosophy of Aesthetics: Reading Caudwell. Delhi: Anupama Publications, 1992. (Originally 1982.)
Sullivan, Robert. Christopher Caudwell. London; Sydney: Croom Helm, 1987.
Thompson, E. P. Making History: Writings on History and Culture. New York: The New Press, 1994. See pp. 78-140. Here is Thompson at his most philosophically insightful and brilliant, possibly the best analytical synopsis of Caudwell. Original essay:
"Caudwell," The Socialist Register, 1977, pp. 228-276.
Whetter, James. A British Hero - Christopher St. John Sprigg aka Christopher Caudwell. Cornwall: Lyfrow Trelyspen, 2011.
Mulhern, Francis. "The Marxist Aesthetics of Christopher Caudwell," New Left Review, No. 85, May-June 1974.
Borges, Jorge Luis. [Review:] "Studies in a Dying Culture, de Christopher Caudwell"; El Hogar, 24 Feb. 1939; reprinted in Borges, Miscel�nea (Barcelona: Mondadori-DeBols!llo, 2011), p. 1042.
Christopher Caudwell on religion as static imagination
Christopher Caudwell on Wittgenstein & the nature of language
“Christopher Caudwell and the Second Law of Thermodynamics” by Shaun Lovejoy
“The Origins of Jack Lindsay’s Contributions to British Marxist Thought” by Joel R. Brouwer
Why E.P. Thompson is My Hero (E.P. Thompson’s Universe of Knowledge) by R. Dumain
“Philosophical Portrait of a Dying Civilization” by Ralph Dumain. Abstract; Paper
“Studies in a Dying Culture” Internet radio program (5/10/10 - )
“Studies in a Dying Culture” blog, (July 2007 - )
S.A. Interviews Dale Jacobson (pp. 36-46)
Review: Christopher Caudwell, Collected Poems (pp. 58-59)
"Homage to Christopher Caudwell" by R. F. Willetts
Bernard Shaw and the New Spirit by Arnold Kettle
This bibliography provides the larger intellectual and cultural context in which Caudwell functioned in the British left, revealing his originality by contrast.
Positivism vs Life Philosophy (Lebensphilosophie) Study Guide
Christopher Caudwell @ Reason & Society
Christopher Caudwell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pacifism and Violence. A Study in Bourgeois Ethics by Christopher Caudwell
Reality. A Study in Bourgeois Philosophy (in Further Studies in a Dying Culture, 1949) by Christopher Caudwell
Man as Idea, extract from The Crisis in Physics (1939) by Christopher Caudwell
Caudwell, Christopher | Representative Poetry Online
The Poems of Christopher Caudwell by D. E. S. Maxwell
Christopher Caudwell by John Simkin (Spartacus Educational)
75 Years after the Death of Christopher Caudwell | Monthly Review
“Christopher Caudwell His aesthetics and film” by Ellen Sypher
A Short Life of Crime: Christopher St. John Sprigg (1907-1937)
The Dialectical Science of Christopher Caudwell by Rob Wallace (Monthly Review, Volume 68, Issue 06, November 2016)
Christopher Caudwell: A Critical Evaluation by Keith MacDonald. ORCA - Cardiff University, Dissertation, 2005. UMI #U202275.
Principles of Literary Evaluation in English Marxist Criticism: Christopher Caudwell, Raymond Williams and Terry Eagleton by Kalyan Das Gupta. PhD dissertation, Dept. of English, University of British Columbia (Vancouver), May 1985.
Marxism and the Philosophy of Science: A Critical History
Introduction to 2nd edition (1993) pdf
Christopher Caudwell (1907-1937) by Helena Sheehan
Caudwell / Sprigg bibliography (Helena Sheehan)
Centenary of Christopher Caudwell
20 October 2007, London, sponsored by the Marx Memorial Library; with links to individual papers & other web pagesJarama: Where Caudwell died by John Corcoran
(Compiled & uploaded 1 August 2000. Updated 6 May 2003, 9 July 2006, 24 May 2007, 25 May 2012, 23 & 27 March 2013, 12 Oct. 2015, 24 Feb 2018, 30 March 2018, 7 & 12 June 2018, 17-20 July 2018, 12 August 2018, 6 April 2020, 24 November 2020, 19 February 2024)
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