A. L. Morton

‘One Law for the Lion and the Ox ...’

Because Blake was a hosier’s son
Instead of herding sheep in Palestine
He should have disciplined his senses
Or looked at life through yours and mine.
If he had been content with beauty
He might have woven a web of song
As passionate, soft and fanciful
As Keats or Shakespeare, and as strong.

Had he but followed out a plan
Laid down for him by friends with sense,
And been an educated man,
He’d not have lifted his eyes far hence
And seen the Golden Builders laying
Their scaffolding upon the air
In spots unsanctioned by the Muses,
Like Paddington and Golden Square.

SOURCE: Morton, A. L. (Arthur Leslie). “‘One Law for the Lion and the Ox ...’” [poem], in History and the Imagination: Selected Writings of A. L. Morton, edited by Margot Heinemann and Willie Thompson (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990), p. 329.

Blow, Blow ...
(poem) by A. L. Morton

The Everlasting Gospel:
A Study in the Sources of William Blake

by A. L. Morton

Rebels and Their Causes: Essays in Honour of A. L. Morton
edited by Maurice Cornforth

British Marxism in Philosophy, Science, and Culture Before the New Left:
Essential Historical Surveys

William Blake Study Guide

Marx and Marxism Web Guide

Intellectual Life in Society, Conventional and Unconventional, & Related Topics:
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