Strike down, Drop your sharp tendrils Blow into Kentish Town Hammer ascetic tunes March, |
SOURCE: Morton, A. L. (Arthur Leslie). “Blow, Blow ...” [poem], in History and the Imagination: Selected Writings of A. L. Morton, edited by Margot Heinemann and Willie Thompson (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1990), p. 325.
Note: Linnell’s guest in Hampstead surely refers to William Blake, who indeed was a guest of painter John Linnell (1792-1882) in Hampstead.
Law for the Lion and the Ox…’
(poem) by A. L. Morton
Everlasting Gospel:
A Study in the Sources of William Blake
by A. L. Morton
and Their Causes: Essays in Honour of A. L. Morton
edited by Maurice Cornforth
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