Finding the real identity beneath the apparent contradiction and differentiation, and finding the substantial diversity beneath the apparent identity, is the most delicate, misunderstood and yet essential endowment of the critic of ideas and the historian. |
SOURCE: The Gramsci Reader: Selected Writings 1916-1935, edited by David Forgacs, with a new introduction by Eric J. Hobsbawm (New York: New York University Press, 2000), XIII: Journalism: 4: Types of Periodical, 384-390, this quote p. 389. From Selections from Cultural Writings, edited by David Forgacs and Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, translated by William Boelhower (London: Lawrence & Wishart, 1985), pp. 412-419 (Q24§3), in turn taken from the Prison Notebooks.
Karl Marx on commonsense, unity, & distinction
Renford Bambrough on Distinctions & Connections in Philosophy
Marxism & Totality
& Gramsci & Della Volpe
by Ralph Dumain
Antonio Gramsci,
Organic Intellectuals, & the Division of Labor
by R. Dumain
Maurice A. Finocchiaro on the criticism of theory & practice
“Ideology” by Jorge Larrain
Alvin Gouldner: Notes & Commentary by R. Dumain
“How to Think” (Sojourner Truth Organization)
Essence of dialectical method vs ideology:
key links
Marx to Gramsci - From Gramsci to Marx.
Historical Materialism and the Philosophy of Praxis
by Wolfgang Fritz Haug
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