Chukhrov, Keti. Practicing the Good: Desire and Boredom in Soviet Socialism, foreword by Boris Groys. Minneapolis: e-flux / University of Minnesota Press, 2020.
Bakhurst, David. Consciousness and Revolution in Soviet Philosophy: From the Bolsheviks to Evald Ilyenkov. Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
Bakhurst, David. The Formation of Reason. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. (Journal of Philosophy of Education Book Series; 12)
Ilyenkov, E.V. [Il'enkov, Eval'd Vasil'evich]. Dialectical Logic: Essays on Its History and Theory, translated from the Russian by H. Campbell Creighton. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977.
Ilyenkov, E.V. [Il'enkov, Evald Vasil'evich]. The Dialectics of the Abstract and the Concrete in Marx's Capital, translated from the Russian by Sergei Syrovatkin. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1982.
Ilyenkov, Evald Vasilyevich. The Ideal in Human Activity, with a preface by Mike Cole. Marxists Internet Archive, 2009. epub mobi
Dialectical Logic 1
Introduction 1
From the History of Dialectics
1. Descartes & Leibniz – The Subject Matter of Logic 5
2. Spinoza – Thought as an Attribute of Substance 14
3. Kant – Logic and Dialectics 42
4. Fichte & Schelling – Dualism or Monism 66
5. Hegel – Dialectics as Logic 94
6. Feuerbach – Idealism or Materialism? 122
Certain Problems of the Marxist-Leninist Theory of Dialectics
7: A Critique of Objective Idealism 132
8: Thought as the Subject Matter of Logic 146
9: Dialectics and the Theory of Knowledge 167
10: Contradiction as a Category of Dialectical Logic 185
11: The Problem of the General in Dialectics 198
Conclusion 213Activity and Knowledge 215
The Universal 225
The Concept of the Ideal 253
Reflections on Lenin’s book: “Materialism and Empirio-Criticism” 285
Introduction 285
1. Marxism against Machism 296
2. The Positive Programme of Russian Positivism 320
3. Dialectics – Philosophy and natural science 349
Conclusion 383
Ilyenkov, Evald. Intelligent Materialism: Essays on Hegel and Dialectics, edited and translated by Evgeni V. Pavlov. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2018. (Historical Materialism Book Series; Volume 181)
Editor’s Note ix
Evgeni V. Pavlov
1 Hegel Today 1
2 Hegel and the Problem of the Subject Matter of Logic 6
3 The Peak, the End and the New Life of Dialectics (Hegel and the End of Old Philosophy) 26
4 Hegel’s Science of Logic 59
5 Hegel and Hermeneutics: the Problem of the Relationship between Language and Thinking in Hegel 98
6 The Problem of the Ideal in Philosophy 115
7 Understanding of the Abstract and the Concrete in Dialectics and Formal Logic 149
8 The Logical and the Historical 182
9 Lenin’s Idea of the Coincidence of Logic, Theory of Cognition and Dialectics 208
10 Materialism Is Militant and Therefore Dialectical 229
Bibliography 249
Index 253
Ilyenkov, Evald. Leninist Dialectics and the Metaphysics of Positivism (1979). London: New Park Publications, 1982.
Lektorsky, V. A., ed. Activity: The Theory, Methodology, and Problems. Orlando, FL: Paul M. Deutsch Press, Inc., 1990.
Note to the American Reader / V.P. Lektorsky ix
An Invitation to Discussion / V.P. Lektorsky xi
SECTION ONE: Activity as a Problem
Chapter 1: The Concept of Activity as a Philosophical Category: Problems Involved / V.S. Shvyrev 1
Chapter 2: The Category of Activity: Inexhaustible Possibilities and Limits of Applicability / G.S. Batishchev 7
Chapter 3: Ability and Rationality / I.T. Kasavin 15
Chapter 4: Activity, Behavior and Creativity / A.L. Nikiforov 23
Chapter 5: The Categoric Context of the Activity Approach / V.N. Sagatovsky 33
Chapter 6: The Place of the Category of Activity in the Theoretical System of Historical Materialism / Y.K. Pletnikov 41
Chapter 7: Activity and Social Relationships / V.Z. Kelle 49
Chapter 8: Activity - Labor - Culture / N.S. Zlobin 57
Chapter 9: The Activity of the Subject and Psychic Activity / A.V. Brushlinsky 67
Chapter 10: On The Place of the Category of Activity in Modern Theoretical
Psychology / V.V. Davydov 75
PART TWO: Discussion and Criticism
Chapter 11: Activity as an Open System / V.S. Shvyrev 83
Chapter 12: The Activity Approach in the Captivity of Substantialism / G.S. Batyshchev 89
Chapter 13: Defining Activity in the Context of a Research Task / I.T. Kasavin 93
Chapter 14: The Common and the Individual in Activity / A.L. Nikiforov 99
Chapter 15: Activity: Monism at Any Price or Polyphony? / V.I. Sagatovsky 103
Chapter 16: Discussion Continued / V.Z. Kelle 109
Chapter 17: Terminological Discordance and/or Conceptual Differences / N.S. Zlobin 115
Chapter 18: The Importance of Manʼs Interaction with the World / A.V. Brushlinsky 123
Chapter 19: Problems of Activity as a Mode of Human Existence and the Principle of Monism / V.V. Davydov 127
SECTION THREE: Replies to Criticism
Chapter 20: A Serious Conceptual Problem and not Scholastic Theorizing / V.S. Shvyrev 133
Chapter 21: Some Remarks on Critical Remarks / V.Z. Kelle 139
Chapter 22: To Argue is to Seek the Truth / Y.K. Pletnikov 143
Chapter 23: Yes, We Need a Monistic Theory of Human Existence / V.V. Davydov 149
Chapter 24: Reply to Objections and Misunderstandings / A. V. Brushlinsky 157
Chapter 25: Rational Limits and Prospects of Human Activity / I.T. Kasavin 163
Chapter 26: Not by Deed Alone / G.S. Batyshchev 169
Chapter 27: Activity and Freedom / A.L. Nikiforov 177
Chapter 28: Returning to the Problem of Method / V.N. Sagatovsky 185
Chapter 29: By Way of Conclusion / V.A. Lektorsky 189
Index 194
Lektorsky, Vladislav A.; Bykova, Marina F.; eds. Philosophical Thought In Russia in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century: A Contemporary View from Russia and Abroad. London; New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.
Notes on Contributors viii
Acknowledgments xii
Introduction: Philosophy in Soviet Russia: A Brief Overview / Marina F. Bykova and Vladislav A. Lektorsky / 1
Part I: Russian Philosophy of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century in the Context of Culture and Science 17
1 The Russian Philosophy of the Second Half of the Twentieth Century as a Sociocultural Phenomenon / Vladislav A. Lektorsky 19
2 Main Configurations of Russian Thought in the Post-Stalin Epoch / Mikhail N. Epstein 35
3 Punks versus Zombies: Evald Ilyenkov and the Battle for Soviet Philosophy / David Bakhurst 53
4 On Soviet Philosophy: A Philosophical Reflection / Karen A. Swassjan 79
5 The Philosophy of the Russian Sixtiers in the Humanist Context: A Philosophical Reflection / Abdusalam A. Guseynov 91
6 Philosophy From the Period of “Thaw” to the Period of “Stagnation”: A Philosophical Reflection / Vadim M. Mezhuyev 103
Part II: Philosophy of Science 115
7 The Russian Philosophy of Science in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century / Vyacheslav S. Stepin 117
8 Systemic Analysis of Science: Ideas of Equifinality and Anthropo-Measurement / Alexander P. Ogurtsov 129
9 Soviet Philosophy and the Methodology of Science in the 1960s–1980s: From Ideology to Science: A Philosophical Reflection / Boris I. Pruzhinin 143
Part III: Philosophy as the History of Philosophy 153
10 Spinoza in Western and Soviet Philosophy: New Perspectives After Postmodernism / Vesa Oittinen / 155
11 On the Reception of German Idealism / Marina F. Bykova 167
12 Ilyenkov’s Hegelian Marxism and Marxian Constructivism / Tom Rockmore 187
13 The Western Reception of Alexei Losev’s Philosophical Thought / Maryse Dennes 197
Part IV: The Problem of Activity in Philosophy, Methodology and Human Sciences 207
14 The Activity Approach in Soviet Philosophy and Contemporary Cognitive Studies / Vladislav A. Lektorsky 209
15 The Activity Theory in Soviet Philosophy and Psychology in the 1960s–1980s / Petr G. Shchedrovitsky 225
16 Activity and the Formation of Reason / David Bakhurst 233
17 Georgy Shchedrovitsky’s Concept of Activity and Thought-Activity / Vadim M. Rozin 245
Part V: Dialogue and Communication 259
18 Between “Voice” and ‘Code”: Encounters and Clashes in the Communication Space / Natalia S. Avtonomova 261
19 A Belated Conversation / Vitaly L. Makhlin 277
20 From Historical Materialism to the Theory of Culture: The Philosophy of Mikhail Bakhtin as a Cultural Phenomenon / Maja E. Soboleva 285
21 On the Role of the Communication Topic in the Discussions of the 1980s–1990s: A Philosophical Reflection / Viktor A. Malakhov 297
Part VI: Philosophical Anthropology 309
22 Human Ontology: On Discussion in Soviet Philosophy in the Late Twentieth Century / Alexander A. Khamidov 311
23 On the Problem of Morality in Soviet-Era Philosophy / Yuri V. Pushchaev 339
24 The Individual and the Problem of Responsibility: Merab Mamardashvili and Alexander Zinoviev / Daniela Steila 351
25 Alexander Zinoviev’s Teaching on Life / Abdusalam A. Guseynov 369
A Chronology of Key Events in the Russian Philosophy (1953–1991) 385
Selected Bibliography (1953–1991) 399
Subject Index 415
Names Index 423
Levant, Alex; Oittinen, Vesa; eds. Dialectics of the Ideal: Evald Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Marxism. Boston: Brill, 2014. (Historical Materialism Book Series; Volume 60)
Foreword / Alex Levant and Vesa Oittinen vii
Part One: Dialectics of the Ideal
E.V. Ilyenkov and Creative Soviet Marxism: Introduction to Dialectics of the Ideal / Alex Levant 3
Dialectics of the Ideal / Evald Ilyenkov 25
Part Two: Contexts
Ilyenkov in the Context of Soviet Philosophical Culture: An Interview with Sergey Mareev / Alex Levant and Vesa Oittinen 81
Prospects for a Cultural-Historical Psychology of Intelligence / Birger Siebert 97
Evald Ilyenkov, the Soviet Spinozist / Vesa Oittinen 107
Part Three: Commentaries
Reality of the Ideal / Andrey Maidansky 125
Metamorphoses of Meaning: The Concept of the Ideal from a Semiotic Perspective / Tarja Knuuttila 145
Evald Ilyenkov’s Dialectics of Abstract and Concrete and the Recent Value-Form Debate / Vesa Oittinen and Paula Rauhala 165
Emancipating Open Marxism: E.V. Ilyenkov’s Post-Cartesian Anti-Dualism / Alex Levant 183
Part Four: Supplementary Material
Bibliography of Evald Ilyenkov’s Works 203
References 211
Index 219
Lotz, Corinna. Finding Evald Ilyenkov: How a Soviet Philosopher Who Stood Up for Dialectics Continues to Inspire. London: Lupus Books, 2019.
Maidansky, Andrey; Oittinen, Vesa; eds. The Practical Essence of Man: The ‘Activity Approach’ in Late Soviet Philosophy. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2016. (Historical Materialism Book Series; 108)
Introduction / Andrey Maidansky and Vesa Oittinen 1
1 Activity and the Search for True Materialism / David Bakhurst 17
2 ‘Praxis’ as the Criterion of Truth? The Aporias of Soviet Marxism and the Activity Approach / Vesa Oittinen 29
3 Reality as Activity: The Concept of Praxis in Soviet Philosophy / Andrey Maidansky 42
4 The Category of Activity in Soviet Philosophy / Inna Titarenko 58
5 The Activity Approach and Metaphysics / Edward M. Swiderski 75
6 Abstract and Concrete Understanding of Activity: ‘Activity’ and ‘Labour’ in Soviet Philosophy / Sergey Mareev 96
7 The Kiev Philosophical School in the Light of the Marxist Theory of Activity / Elena Mareeva 103
8 The Evolution of Batishchev’s Views on the Nature of Objective Activity, and the Limits of the Activity Approach / Alexander Khamidov 120
9 The Activity Approach in Soviet Philosophy and Contemporary Cognitive Studies / Vladislav Lektorsky 137
10 The Concept of the Scheme in the Activity-Theories of Ilyenkov and Piaget / Pentti Määttänen 154
11 The Ideal and the Dream-World: Evald Ilyenkov and Walter Benjamin on the Significance of Material Objects / Alex Levant 167
Bibliography 189
Index 202
Note: The construction of this bibliography in progress proceeds thusly: first, books and anthologies of Ilyenkovʼs writings, books and anthologies about Ilyenkov and Soviet philosophy with emphasis on publications following the demise of the USSR. Links to essays and articles will follow. Activity Theory is a much broader area, encompassing the work of Lev Vygotsky and many others. This larger area may not be thoroughly documented here. Ilyenkovʼs work intersects not only with Vygotsky, but with Lifshits, Mamardashvili, Lektorsky, and others.
Also, there may be some duplication between articles appearing in journals and in books. Many of these authors can be found at, which encompasses much material not (yet) included here. Check also the Marxists Internet Archive, the journal Historical Materialism and the book series of the same name from Brill publishing company, books in,, and other web sites, guides and bibliographies.
Note also that due to censorship, some items from the Soviet period are truncated versions of the original writings.
"The Concept of the Ideal" by E. V. Ilyenkov
"The Universal" by E. V. Ilyenkov
"From the Marxist-Leninist Point of View" by E. V. Ilyenkov
"Humanism and Science" by E. V. Ilyenkov
“Lenin and the Hegelian Conception of Thinking” by Evald Ilyenkov
“Markso kaj la okcidenta mondo” de E. V. Iljenkov, trad. Yury Finkel (in Esperanto)
Galvano Della Volpe on E. V. Ilyenkov
Galvano Della Volpe on determinate abstraction & Evald Ilyenkov by John Fraser
Evald Ilyenkov's Philosophy Revisited (front matter)
"On Trends in the Status of Dialectical Logic: A Brief Study of Lefebvre, Ilyenkov and Wald" by Claude M. J. Braun
The Problem of the Ideal: Contents by David Dubrovsky
Subject, Object, Cognition: Contents & Preface to the English edition by V. A. Lektorsky
Idealised and Real Objects by V. A. Lektorsky
The Collective Subject. The Individual Subject by V. A. Lektorsky
"Cognition in the Context of Culture" by Vladislav Lektorsky
Activity Theory: A Marxist Approach to Psychology by Carl Shames
Handbook of Pseudo-Dialectical Thinking: A Partial Review by R. Dumain
John Dewey’s Logic: A Select Bibliography
See Bedford & annotation.
Cybernetics & Artificial Intelligence: Ideology Critique
Merab Mamardashvili: Selected Bibliography & Web Links
Salvaging Soviet Philosophy (1)
Soviet Philosophy from Progress Publishers: Selected Bibliography, 1968-1990 (1)
The Great Soviet Encyclopedia: Selected Entries on Philosophical & Related Topics
International Friends of Ilyenkov
David Bakhurst - Discussing "Ilyenkov's Hegel" from "The Heart of the Matter"
Evald Ilyenkov - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reading Ilyenkov [mostly in Russian, some English, & photo gallery]
Ильенков. Фильм Александра Рожкова (Ilyenkov documentary, in Russian, with English subtitles; 1 hour, 24 min.)
Ilyenkov by James Scanlan (Biographical Dictionary of Twentieth-Century Philosophers)
Ideal, by E. V. I’ENKOV [sic], in The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, ed. A. M. Prokhorov (New York: Macmillan, London: Collier Macmillan, 1974-1983), translation of 3rd Russian edition of Bol'shaya sovetskaya entsiklopediya (1970-1979).
Dialectical Contradiction and Formal Logic (1979) by Evald V. Il'enkov
On the Coincidence of Logic with Dialectics and the Theory of Knowledge of Materialism by Evald Ilyenkov, from Dialectical Logic (1977)
Stasis, Vol 5 No 2 (2017): Antiquity and Modernity of Soviet Marxism. All articles are downloadable in English or Russian.
Rereading Pashukanis: Discussion Notes (Antonio Negri)
Introduction: Antiquity and Modernity of Soviet Marxism (Maria Chehonadskih, Keti Chukhrov, Alexei Penzin)
‘When Was Caesar Born?’ Theory and Practice of Truth in Plekhanov and Bogdanov (Evgeni V. Pavlov)
Consciousness and Affectivity: Spinoza and Vygotsky (Pascal Sévérac)
The Communist Drama of Individuation in Lev Vygotsky (Maria Chehonadskih)
The Ilyenkov Triangle: Marxism in Search of its Philosophical Roots (Andrey Maidansky)
Cosmology of the Spirit (Evald Ilyenkov)
A Commentary on Evald Ilyenkov’s Cosmology of the Spirit (Giuliano Vivaldi)
Converted Forms. On the Need for Irrational Expressions (Merab Mamardashvili)
Boris Porshnev’s Dialectic of History (Artemy Magun)
Smart Matter and the Thinking Body: Activity Theory and the Turn to Matter in Contemporary Philosophy (Alex Levant)
Marx Against Marxism, Marxism Against Marx (Keti Chukhrov, Alexei Penzin, Valery Podoroga)Journal of Russian & East European Psychology, Volume 45, Issue 4 (2007) (Ilyenkov issue)
Editor’s Introduction (Pentti Hakkarainen), pp. 3-5
The Training of the Mind: From the Compiler (A. Novokhat'ko), pp 6-8
Our Schools Must Teach How to Think (E. V. Ilyenkov), pp. 9-49
A Contribution to the Discussion on School Education (E. V. Ilyenkov), pp. 50-55
On the Nature of Ability (E. V. Ilyenkov), pp. 56-63
The Biological and the Social in Man (E. V. Ilyenkov), pp. 64-68
A Contribution on the Question of the Concept of “Activity” and Its Significance for Pedagogy (E. V. Ilyenkov), pp. 69-74
Knowledge and Thinking (E. V. Ilyenkov), pp. 75-80
A Contribution to a Conversation About Esthetic Education: (January 15, 1974) (E. V. Ilyenkov), pp. 81-84
A Contribution to a Conversation About Meshcheriakov: (November 20, 1975) (E. V. Ilyenkov), pp. 85-94Электронная библиотека "Нестор": Ilyenkov [electronic library in Russian]
INTERVIEW: Evald Ilyenkov and Soviet Philosophy by Andrey Maidansky and Vesa Oittinen, Monthly Review, January 2020
Ilyenkov - a philosopher under suspicion (1990) by Sergei Mareyev, translated by Angela Landon
"Ilyenkov and Lenin's Dialectic" by Vesa Oittinen (2017)
“Symbols, Tools, and Ideality in Ilyenkov” by Peter E Jones
"Ideality, Symbols, and the Mind (Response to David Bakhurst)" by Peter Jones
Ilyenkov and Foucault - some paradoxes and (im)possible connections by Jussi Silvonen
A Marxist Psychology of Language and Representation by Kyrill Potapov, Cosmonaut, November 25, 2021
Corinna Lotz , Finding Ilyenkov: How a Soviet Philosopher Who Stood Up for Dialectics Continues to Inspire, reviewed by Dom Taylor, Marx & Philosophy Review of Books, 29 August 2019
Evald Vasilievich Ilyenkov and the End of Classical Soviet Philosophy by Rogney Piedra
Soviet Philosophy and then some, David Bakhurst interviewed by Richard Marshall [3:16]
David Bakhurst (Dept. of Philosophy, Queen's University)
Symposium on Evald Ilyenkov (University of Helsinki, 1999)
Philosopher of the Ideal: Evald Ilyenkov at 100 by Isabel Jacobs/Martin Küpper (ZfL Blog, 8 May 2024)
The Problem of the Ideal by David Dubrovsky [available through chapter 4.1]
Yanes-Fernandez, Inti. “David I. Dubrovsky and Merab Mamardashvili: Adam’s Second Fall and the Advent of the Cyber-Leviathan,” Forum Philosophicum 24 (2019) no. 2, 301–41.
Subject, Object, Cognition by V. A. Lektorsky (entire book)
The Dialectic of Subject and Object and some Problems of the Methodology of Science by V. A. Lektorsky.
Also at Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition: Mind, Culture, and ActivityMind, Culture, and Activity Summer 1995
Activity, Consciousness, and Personality by Aleksie Nikolaevich Leont'ev
Activity and Consciousness by Aleksei Nikolaevich Leontyev
Activity Theory and Individual and Social Transformation by Yrjö Engeström
Leontiev's Activity Theory Approach to Psychology: Activity as the "molar unit of life" and his "levels of psyche" by Paul F. Ballantyne
Psychological Conditions of the Origin of Ideal Acts by V.V. Davydov and V.P. Andronov
ISCAR - International Society for Cultural and Activity Research
The Vygotsky Project (A Trbute to Vygotsky)
Vygotsky and Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (bibliography, 2015)
Activity Theory (Warwick)
Activity Theory (Martin Ryder, 2007)
Lev Vygotsky by Mikhail Yaroshevsky
Artinian, Arto. “Homo Datum and Socialized Cybernetics: Emerging Contours of the Latest Phase of Capitalism,” Marxism & Sciences, Volume 2, Issue 1, Winter 2023, pp. 157-166.
Chukhrov, Keti. “The Philosophical Disability of Reason: Evald Ilyenkov’s Critique of Machinic Intelligence,” Radical Philosophy, 2.07, Spring 2020.
Díaz Alva, Alan. “The Fetish of Intelligent Machines: From Ilyenkov to the Neue Marx Lektüre,” Marxism & Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 1, April 2024), pp. 1-27.
Ilyenkov, Evald. “The Machine and the Human, Cybernetics and Philosophy” by Evald Ilyenkov, Anatoliy Arsen’ev, & Vasily Davydov; translated by Iurii Maksymets, Marxism & Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 2, November 2024, pp.. 155-174.
Ilyenkov, Evald. “The Mystery of Black Box. Sci-Fi Prelude” [in Russian], in On the Idols and the Ideals (in Russian: Ob Idolakh I Idealakh) (Politizdat, 1968), pp. 11–28. Online version: There is also an ms of an English translation by Giuliano Vivaldi, not yet published.
Note International Friends of Ilyenkov programmes: April 16, 2019: Keti Chukrov on Ilyenkov's 'Black Box', May 15, 2019: Human-Machine Dialectics.
Ilyenkov, Evald. “The Notes of Bezumtsev” [satire, in Russian], in Evald Ilyenkov’s Philosophy and Contemporaneity [in Russian], ed. Andrey Maidansky (Belgorod: Belgorod Publishers, 2016), pp. 10–14.
Ilyenkov, Evald. “Where Does the Mind Come From” [in Russian], in Philosophy and Culture (Moscow: Political Literature Publishers, 1991, pp. 30–43.
Ilyenkov, Evald. “On the state of philosophy [letter to the Central Committee of the Party]” [1967?] (24 January 2024), translated by Andrzej W. Nowak and Monika Woźniak, Studies in East European Thought, Volume 76, Issue 3, September 2024. See also introduction by Woźniak & Nowak, below.
Interview with Keti Chukhrov by Kyrill Potapov, Studies in East European Thought, Volume 76, Issue 3, September 2024, pp. 515-519.
“Through the Looking Glass: Evald Ilyenkov’s Images of the Ideal” by Isabel Jacobs, Trevor Wilson, Martin Küpper and Sascha Freyberg, Marxism & Sciences, Volume 3, Issue 2, November 2024, pp. 93–101.
Woźniak, Monika; Nowak, Andrzej W. “Fighting for philosophy in the Marxian sense: introduction to Evald Ilyenkov’s ‘On the state of philosophy’ [letter to the Central Committee of the Party]” (24 January 2024), Studies in East European Thought, Volume 76, Issue 3, September 2024. See also translation of Ilyenkov’s letter.
Marxism & Sciences: A Journal of Nature, Culture, Human and Society
Volume 2 - Issue 1 (Winter 2023): The Foundations of Marxism-II; Ilyenkovian Contributions
“Homo Datum and Socialized Cybernetics: Emerging Contours of the Latest Phase of Capitalism” by Arto Artinian (pp. 157-166)
- INTRODUCTION: On the Nature of Thought: Centennial of Ilyenkov by Siyaveş Azeri (pp. iii–xxiv)
- “The Fetish of Intelligent Machines: From Ilyenkov to the Neue Marx Lektüre” by Alan Díaz Alva (pp. 1-27)
- “Ilyenkov and the Immanence of Logic” by David Bedford & Thomas Workman (pp. 29–48)
- Centennial of Evald Ilyenkov: Rejuvenating the Revolutionary Essence of Marxist Theory with Arto Artinian, David Bakhurst, Pham Minh Duc, Sascha Freyberg, Isabel Jacobs, Martin Küpper, Kyrill Potapov and Monika Woźniak
- “Ilyenkov and Lenin’s Dialectic” by Vesa Oittinen (pp. 187-198)
Volume 3 - Issue 2 (November 2024): Centennial of Evald Ilyenkov - II: Ilyenkov in Practice
- EDITORIAL: Materialist Dialectics and the Identity of Thinking and Being by Siyaveş Azeri (pp. i-v)
- “The Speculative Method and the Problem of Deduction” by Giannis Ninos (pp. 33-52)
- “Radical Universalism and the Logic of Pedagogy” by Filipe Felizardo (pp. 69-92)
- “Through the Looking Glass: Evald Ilyenkov’s Images of the Ideal” by Isabel Jacobs, Trevor Wilson, Martin Küpper and Sascha Freyberg (pp. 93–101)
- “The Machine and the Human, Cybernetics and Philosophy” by Evald Ilyenkov, Anatoliy Arsen’ev, & Vasily Davydov; translated by Iurii Maksymets (pp. 155-174)
Russian Philosophy [Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy]
Marxists Internet Archive: Soviet Philosophy
Marxists Internet Archive: Psychology & Marxism
The Value of Knowledge: a Miniature Library of Philosophy
(also part of Marxists Internet Archive)
Tom Weston's Web Page: Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Marxism
Marxist Philosophy: Articles, Sources, Translations and Links
Soviet & related Marxist publications: Thomas Mrett collection at [12 pp.]
Social Sciences USSR Academy of Sciences @
Filosofia: An Encyclopedia of Russian Thought
Documents from or about the Soviet Union
Theoretical and Technical Books and Pamphlets from China in the Maoist Era: Philosophy
I Collect Soviet Books [for bibliography]
Bibliography for Historical Materialism By Haines Brown
Bibliography of the History of Russian and Soviet Science and Technology
Philosophy of Science in Russia by Anna Alexandrova [interview with Daria Drozdova] | European Philosophy of Science Association (EPSA), 18 August 2020
'' (Soviet titles &
e-books: defunct site, but some material may still be available via Wayback Machine at
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