Note: Name as indicated on title page leads [with Library of Congress designation in brackets].
GENERAL PHILOSOPHY (ontology, epistemology, logic, semantics, etc.)
Basin, Yevgeny. Semantic
Philosophy of Art, translated from the Russian by Christopher English.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1979.
Can also be borrowed from
On this site:
V. The Neo-Realistic Philosophy of Symbolism and Art: A. N. Whitehead
Batalov, E[duard].
The Philosophy
of Revolt: Criticism of Left Radical Ideology; translated by Katharine
Judelson; Russian text edited by T. Dragnysh.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975. 246 pp.
Civilisation and the Historical Process, translated by Cynthia Carlile.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1983. Description: 397 p.
Can be borrowed from
Civilisation, Science, Philosophy: Theme of the 17th World Congress of
Philosophy (Montreal, August 1983). Moscow: “Social Sciences Today”
Editorial Board, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1983. (Problems of
the Contemporary World; no. 111)
On this site: “Cognition in the Context of Culture” by
Vladislav Lektorsky.
Dubrovsky, David [Dubrovskii, David Izrailevich]; translated from the Russian
by Vladimir Stankevich.
The problem of the ideal: the nature of mind
and its relationship to the brain and social medium.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1988.
Extracts on this site.
The Future of society; a critique
of modern bourgeois philosophical and socio-political conceptions; edited
by Murad Saifulin.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1973.
Can be borrowed from
Gorsky, D.P. [Gorskii, D. P.]; translated from the Russian by Sergei Syrovatkin.
Definition: logico-methodological problems.
Moscow: Progress, 1981.
Gorsky, Dmitri [Gorskii, D. P.]; translated by Campbell Creighton.
Generalisation and cognition.
Moscow: Progress Publishers; Chicago: Imported by Imported Publications, 1987.
Gurevich, Pavel.
Humanism: Traditions and Paradoxes.
Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1989.
Ilyenkov, E.V. [Il'enkov, Eval'd Vasil'evich]; translated from the Russian
by H. Campbell Creighton.
logic: essays on its history and theory.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977.
Ilyenkov, E.V. [Il'enkov, Evald Vasil'evich]; translated from the Russian
by Sergei Syrovatkin.
dialectics of the abstract and the concrete in Marx's Capital.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1982.
Marx and Modern Philosophy: Collection of Articles
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1968.
page also on this site)
F. V. Konstantinov: Marxism and Contemporaneity. Translated by David Skvirsky 5
L. F. Ilyichev: Marx and Historical Prospects of Mankind. Translated by David Skvirsky 23
M. B. Mitin: Marx, Lenin and the Problem of Man. Translated by David Skvirsky 47
B. M. Kedrov: Karl Marx and the Unity of the Natural Sciences and the Humanities. Translated by David Skvirsky 79
V. S. Bibler: Hegel, Marx and the Problem of Transformations in the Logical Structure. Translated by Julius Katzer
107 [On this site]
M. A. Lifshitz: Karl Marx and Present-Day Culture. Translated by Bryan Bean 143
T. I. Oizerman: Marx, Hegel and Contemporary Bourgeois Philosophy. Translated by Leo Lempert 183
H. S. Batishchev: Primary and Secondary Figures in the Process of Alienation According to Marx. Translated by Julius Katzer 213
Can be borrowed from
Karl Marx and Our Time: Articles and Speeches. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1983.
A complete waste, including Oizerman and Kedrov:
Publishers’ Note 7
Yuri Andropov. Karl Marx’s Teaching and Some of the Problems in the Building of Socialism in the USSR 9
Boris Ponomarev. Marx’s Doctrine—a Guide to Action 36
Mikhail Zimyanin. Karl Marx’s Teaching Lives On and Triumphs 60
Pyotr Fedoseyev. Karl Marx and the Dialectics of Our Time 76
Richard Kosolapov. Marx Is Always Abreast of the Times 118
Vadim Zagladin, Stanislav Menshikov, Ivan Frolov. Karl Marx and the Emancipation of Man as a World Historical Process 160
Theodor Oizerman. A revolutionary Landmark in the Development of Social Thought 186
Bonifati Kedrov. Marx and Science 195
Kuznetsov, B. G. [Boris Grigor'evich] Philosophy of optimism; translated
from the Russian by Ye. D. Khakina and V. L. Sulima.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977.
Can be borrowed from
Lektorsky, V.A. [Lektorskii, V. A.]; translated by Sergei Syrovatkin.
object, cognition.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1984.
Available also in HTML format on ghost web at
Can also be borrowed from
See also extracts on this site.
Marxist Dialectics Today, 2nd ed., edited by P.
V. Fedoseev et al.
Moscow: “Social
Sciences Todayˮ
Editorial Board, USSR Academy of
Sciences, 1979.
(Problems of the Contemporary
(1st ed., 1974.)
Present-Day Problems of the Theory of Materialist Dialectics 5
P. Fedoseyev: Leninism Versus Subjectivism and Objectivism 27
P. Kopnin: Lenin's Plans for Elaborating the Theory of Materialist Dialectics 48
B. Kedrov: The Marxist-Leninist View of Dialectics as the Theory of Knowledge and Logic 83
M. Rozental: How Philosophical Categories Develop 108
I. Frolov: Organic Determinism, Teleology and the Purposive Approach in Research 131
E. Ilyenkov: Lenin and the Hegelian Conception of Thinking 155
[on this site]
D. Gorsky: Advance Reflection of Reality at the Level of Human Cognition 174
Can be borrowed from
Marxist-Leninist Philosophy: Diagrams, Tables, Illustrations by T. Vlasova, edited by E. Ivanov, designed by Vadim Belkin, translated by Galina Sdobnikova. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1987.
Mikhailov, F. T. [Feliks Trofimovich]; translated from the Russian by Robert
riddle of the self.
Moscow: Progress Publishers; New York: International Publishers, 1980.
Moskvichov, L[ev] N[ikolaevich]. The End of Ideology Theory: Illusions and Reality: Critical Notes on a Fashionable Bourgeois Conception, translated from the Russian by Jim Riordan. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1974.
Naletov, Igor [Naletov, I. Z. (Igor' Zinov'evich)]; translated from the Russian
by Vladimir Stankevich.
Alternatives to positivism [on this site].
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1984.
Also in HTML format on ghost web at
Panov, Victor G.; translated by H. Campbell Creighton.
Emotions, Myths and Theories.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1985.
Pavilionis, Rolandas; translated by H. Campbell Creighton.
Meaning and conceptual
Moscow: Progress, 1990.
Up through Chapter 2.1 only in HTML on ghost web at
Petrosyan, M.
Humanism: Its Philosophical, Ethical and Sociological Aspects,
translated by Bryan Bean.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1972.
The Philosophical Conception of Man.
[Papers from the 17th World Congress of Philosophy, Brighton, 1988]
Comp. I.S. Kulikova & V.V. Mshvenieradze; translated by H. Campbell Creighton.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1988.
See "Man as the Object of Cognition in
Arts Subjects" by L. I. Novikova.
Philosophy in the USSR: problems
of dialectical materialism.
Translated from the Russian by Robert Daglish.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1977.
Authors: Fedoseyev, Oizerman, Melukhin, Ilyenkov, Lektorsky, Sheptulin, Bogomolov,
Gorsky, Leontyev, Kursanov, Orudzhev, Kelle.
Foreword 5
Scientific Cognition Today, Its Specific Features and Problems. By. P. N. Fedoseyev 7
The Problem of the Scientific Philosophical World-Outlook. By T. I. Oizerman 22
The Dialectical-Materialist Conception of Matter. By S. T. Melukhin 43
The Concept of the
Ideal. By E. V. Ilyenkov 71 [on this site]
The Dialectic of Subject and Object and Some Problems of the Methodology of Science. By V. A. Lektorsky 100
A Contribution to the Question of the Categories of Materialist Dialectics. By A. P. Sheptulin 113
Dialectical Contradiction and Its Solution. Concerning the Central Problem of Dialectical Logic. By A. S. Bogomolov 134
Social Practice and Scientific Knowledge. By D. P. Gorsky 157
Activity and Consciousness. By A.N. Leontyev 180
The Problem of Truth in the Philosophy of Marxism. By G. A. Kursanov 203
Some Problems of Dialectical Logic. By Z. M. Orudzhev 235
Ideology as a Phenomenon of Social Consciousness. By V. Z. Kelle 258
PDF of book also at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET.
Rakitov, Anatoly. [Rakitov, Anatolii Il'ich]; translated by H. Campbell Creighton.
Historical knowledge: a systems-epistemological approach.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1987.
Science and Morality,
translated from the Russian. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975.
[On ghost web]
Introduction 7
Section I: Introduction 19
A. Alexandrov: A Scientific Approach to Morality 21
G. Pospelov: Man and the Moral Aspects of Scientific Progress 50
Section II: Introduction 65
V. Loginov: Scientific Politics and Morality 67
E. Solovyov: Knowledge, Faith and Morality 88
A. Arsenyev: The Relationship Between Science and
Morality (Philosophical Aspects) 130 [on this site]
O. Drobnitsky: Scientific Truth and Moral Good 188
Section III: Introduction 219
V. Tolstykh Galileo Versus Galileo 221
A. Gulyga Crisis—Moral Or Social? 240
E. V. Ilyenkov: Humanism and Science
[on this site]
Sogomonov, Y. [I'U'rii' Vaganovich]; Landesman, P. [Petr Abramovich]
today; translated from the Russian by David Skvirsky.
Moscow: Progress, 1977.
Better copy here.
Also in HTML on ghost web at
ABC of Dialectical and Historical Materialism
by B.M. Boguslavsky, V.A. Karpushin, A.I. Rakitov, V.Y. Chertikhin, G.I. Ezrin; translated by Lenina Ilitskaya.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978.
Kharin, Yu. A.
Fundamentals of Dialectics.
Moscow: Progress, 1981.
Rakitov, Anatoly. [Rakitov, Anatolii Il'ich]; translated by H. Campbell Creighton.
The Principles
of Philosophy.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1989.
Yakhot, O.
What Is Dialectical Materialism.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1965.
Individual chapters in HTML can be found here:
The Subject Matter of Marxist Philosophy, first talk
What Is Matter and in What Forms Does It Exist?,
third talk
and Consciousness, fourth talk
Zakharov, F. I.
Philosophical Foundations of Scientific Socialism.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1985.
Getmanova, Alexandra. Logic, translated from the Russian by Stephen Smith. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1989.
Mikhailov, F. T. [Feliks Trofimovich]; translated from the Russian by Robert
riddle of the self.
Moscow: Progress Publishers; New York: International Publishers, 1980.
Porshnev, B. F. [Boris Fedorovich]
theory of revolution and social psychology.
Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.
Psychological research in
the U.S.S.R.; edited by A. Leontyev, A. Luriya, A. Smirnov; translated
from the Russian.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1966.
Roset, I. [Rozet, I. M. (Isaak Moiseevich)]; translated from the Russian by
Sergei Savchenko.
The psychology of phantasy:
an experimental and theoretical investigation into the intrinsic laws of productive
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1984.
A History of Classical Sociology, edited by Prof I. S. Kon, translated by H. Campbell Creighton.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1989. (Russian original, 1979.)
Also at
Frantsov, G. P. [I'U'rii' Pavlovich]
and sociology; translated from the Russian by Yuri Sdobnikov.
Also available in HTML on ghost web from
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975.
Osipov, G. [Gennadii Vasil'evich] Sociology:
problems of theory and method; translated from the Russian by David
Myshne, edited by Jim Riordan.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1969.
Chepikov, M. G. [Chepikov, Mikhail Grigor�evich]; translated from the Russian
by Yuri Sdobnikov.
The integration of science.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978.
Ilyin, V.; Kalinkin, A.; translated by Sergei Syrovatkin.
The Nature of Science: an Epistemological Analysis.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1988.
Lenin and modern natural science.
Russian text edited by M. E. Omelyanovsky; translated from the Russian by S.
Syrovatkin; edited by K. E. Russell.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1978.
Einstein and the philosophical problems of 20th-century physics.
Translated from the Russian by Sergei Syrovatkin.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1983.
PDF of book also at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET.
Gribanov, D. P. [Dmitrii Prokhorovich]; translated from the Russian by H. Campbell
Albert Einstein's philosophical views and the theory of relativity.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1987.
(Akademiia nauk SSSR)
PDF of book also at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET.
Omelyanovsky, M. E. [Omel’ianovskyi, M. E. (Mykhailo Erazmovych)].
Dialectics in modern physics.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1979.
Philosophical problems of elementary-particle physics, edited by I.V. Kuznets︡ov and M.E. Omelʹyanovskiĭ, translated by A. Sen and R.N. Sen.
Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1965.
PDF of book also at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET.
There is also a book with the same title, translated by George Yankovsky. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1968.
Svechnikov, G. A. [Gennadii Aleksandrovich]; translated from the Russian by
George Yankovsky.
Causality and the relation of states in physics.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1971.
Oizerman, Theodore [Oizerman, Teodor Il'ich]; translated from the Russian by
Dmitri Beliavsky.
Dialectical materialism and the history
of philosophy: essays on the history of philosophy.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1982.
Extracts on this site.
Oizerman, T.I. [Oizerman, Teodor Il'ich]; translated by H. Campbell Creighton.
The main trends in philosophy: a theoretical
analysis of the history of philosophy.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1988.
PDF of book also at BANNEDTHOUGHT.NET.
Contents page on this site.
Oizerman, T.I. [Oizerman, Teodor Il'ich]; from the Russian by Yuri Sdobnikov.
The making of the Marxist philosophy.
Moscow: Progress, 1981.
Contents only on ghost web at
Book can be borrowed from
Oizerman, T.I.; Bogomolov, A. S.; translated by H. Campbell Creighton.
Principles of the theory of historical
process in philosophy.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1986.
Contents page on this site.
Oizerman, Theodore [Oizerman, Teodor Il'ich]; translated from the Russian by
Robert Daglish.
Problems of the history of philosophy (Excerpts on this site).
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1973.
PDF of book at &
Bogomolov, A. S.
of Ancient Philosophy: Greece and Rome; translated by Vladimir Stankevich.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1985. 349 pp. (Guides to the Social Sciences)
PDF of book
Losev, A. F. [Aleksei Fedorovich]. Aristotle, translated from the Russian by Angelia Graf. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1990.
Losev, A. F. [Aleksei Fedorovich]. Plato, translated from the Russian by Patricia Beryozkina. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1990.
Nersesyants, V.S. [Vladik Sumbatovich]
thought of ancient Greece; translated from the Russian by Vladimir Stankevich.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1986.
Batalov, Eduard.
The American
Utopia, translated from the Russian by Dmitry Belyavsky.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1985.
Excerpts on this site.
Mendelson, Maurice.
and work of Walt Whitman: a Soviet view; translated from the Russian
by Andrew Bromfield; illustrated by G. Dauman.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1976.
Pokrovsky, Nikita. Henry Thoreau, translated from the Russian by Sergei
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1989.
A Concise Psychological
Ed. A.V. Petrovsky & M.G. Yaroshevsky.
Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1987.
A Dictionary for Believers and Nonbelievers.
Translated by Catherine Judelson.
Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1989.
A Dictionary of Philosophy.
Ed. by M. Rosenthal [Rozental, M. M. (Mark Moiseevich), 1906-1975] & P.
Moscow, Progress Publishers, 1967.
Handbook of Philosophy edited and adapted by Howard Selsam from the
Short Philosophic Dictionary by Mark Moisevich Rosenthal and Pavel Fyodorovich
New York: International Publishers, 1949.
Dictionary of Philosophy.
Edited by I. Frolov; Translated & ed. Murad Saifulin & Richard R. Dixon
[from 4th Russian ed. 1980].
Moscow: Progress Publishers [2nd rev. ed.]; New York: International
Publishers [1st ed.], 1984.
A Dictionary of Ethics.
Ed. by A.V. Ado et al.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1990.
Logic Made Simple: A Dictionary.
By A. Getmanova, M. Panov, V. Petrov; translated by Sergei Syrovatkin.
Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1990.
Civilisation, Science, Philosophy: Theme of the 17th World Congress of
Philosophy (Montreal, August 1983). Moscow: “Social Sciences Today”
Editorial Board, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1983. (Problems of
the Contemporary World; no. 111)
On this site: “Cognition in the Context of Culture” by
Vladislav Lektorsky.
Gurevich, Pavel.
Humanism: Traditions and Paradoxes.
Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1989.
Kochina, Pelageya. Love and Mathematics: Sofya Kovalevskaya, edited by A. Yu. Ishlinsky & Z. K. Sokolovskaya, translated from the Russian by Michael Burov. Moscow: Mir Publishers, 1985.
Marxist Dialectics Today, 2nd ed., edited by P.
V. Fedoseev et al.
Moscow: “Social
Sciences Todayˮ
Editorial Board, USSR Academy of Sciences, 1979.
Can be borrowed from
Porshnev, B. F. [Boris Fedorovich]
theory of revolution and social psychology.
Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1970.
Kozharov, Asen.
Monism and
pluralism in ideology and in politics.
Sofia: Sofia Press, 1975.
Pavlov, Todor. The Philosophy of Todor Pavlov. Sofia, Bulgaria: Sofia Press, 1970.
* Some publications of other Soviet publishing houses, such as Mir, Novosti, and Raduga, are included here, as are a few books from publishers in other Soviet bloc nations.
Note: The site site is defunct, but much of the linked material can be found on the “ghost web” looking up the links using the Wayback Machine at (13 Oct 2017) Also, many whole books from Soviet publishers can be borrowed or permanently downloaded from Check also (18 Apr 2021)
(10/20/2001; rev. 3/2/2005, 3/20/2005, 1/18/08, 5/21/08, 7/22/09, 8/5/09, 11/3/09, 8/11/10, 10/13/17, 4/18/21, 8/17/21, 1/31/22, 2/1/22, 2/21/22, 12/25/23, 3/11/24, 3/21/24, 11/30/24)
Salvaging Soviet
Philosophy (1)
(with further links)
Evald Ilyenkov & Activity Theory:
Bibliography of Writings in English
Evald Ilyenkov & Mikhail Lifshits:
Aesthetics, Symbolic Mediation, & the Ideal:
Selected Bibliography
Great Soviet Encyclopedia:
Selected Entries on Philosophical & Related Topics
(bibliography + books online)
[defunct site but much material available via Wayback Machine, e.g.
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