James P Scanlan / USSR Ferenc Feher / Hungary Leslie Holmes / GDR Raymond Taras / Poland James Satterwhite / Czechoslovakia Vladimir Tismaneanu / Romania Mark Baskin / Bulgaria Oskar Gruenwald / Yugoslavia |
Acknowledgments vii
The Contributors ix
1. The" Meltdown" of Marxism in the Soviet Bloc: An Introduction / Raymond Taras 3
2. From Samizdat to Perestroika: The Soviet Marxist Critique of Soviet Society / James P. Scanlan 19
3. The Language of Resistance: "Critical Marxism" versus "Marxism-Leninism"in Hungary / Ferenc Feher 41
4. The Significance of Marxist Dissent to the Emergence of Postcommunism in the GDR / Leslie Holmes 57
5. Marxist Critiques of Political Crises in Poland / Raymond Taras 81
6. Marxist Critique and Czechoslovak Reform / James Satterwhite ll5
7. From Arrogance to Irrelevance: Avatars of Marxism in Romania / Vladimir Tismaneanu 135
8. Bulgaria : From Critique to Civil Society? / Mark Baskin 151
9. Praxis and Democratization in Yugoslavia: From Critical Marxism to Democratic Socialism? / Oskar Gruenwald 175
Name Index 197
Subject Index 202
SOURCE: The Road to Disillusion: From Critical Marxism to Postcommunism in Eastern Europe, edited by Raymond Taras. London; New York: Routledge, 2015 (1992).
to Dialectical Logic
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