From Lidové noviny, August 1936by Karel Čapek (1890–1938)When this century collapses, dead at last, Inscribe our stone, that everyone may see We set new records, measuring men and deeds The 20th century, buried; nonetheless, |
SOURCE: Klíma, Ivan. Karel Čapek: Life and Work; translated from the Czech by Norma Comrada (North Haven, CT: Catbird Press, 2002), p. 209. Translator & poem title unspecified. |
Miserableby Josef Čapek (1887–1945)(from Poems from a Concentration
Camp, I was there in body, but in spirit, with
all of you. |
SOURCE: Pichlikov, Lenka. Josef Čapek, Czech Modernist Innovator. New York Art Resources Consortium, Feb. 12, 2012. Translator unspecified. |
“System” [orig. 1908] by Josef & Karel Čapek
Karel Čapek: Selected Bibliography & Web Links
Karel Čapek’s
R.U.R. (Rossum’s Universal Robots), 1920-2021
Guide compiled by Ralph Dumain
Science Fiction & Utopia Research Resources: A Selective Work in Progress
Karel Čapek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Josef Čapek - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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