Cleverley, John F.; Phillips, D.C. Visions of Childhood: Influential Models from Locke to Spock. Rev. ed. New York: Teachers College Press, 1986. (Early Childhood Education Series)
Greven, Philip J., Jr., comp. Child-Rearing Concepts, 1628-1861: Historical Sources. Itasca, IL: F. E. Peacock Publishers, 1973. (Primary Sources in American History)
Robinson, J. Of children and their education (1628).
Locke, J. Some thoughts concerning education (1690).
Mather, C. On the education of his children (1706).
Wesley, S. On the education of her family (1732)
Wesley, J. Sermon on the education of children (c. 1783).
Edwards, J. Observations of his family (1765, 1829).
Witherspoon, J. Letters on education (1797).
Crispus (anonymous) On the education of children (1814).
Abbott, J. S. C. On the mother's role in education (1833).
Bushnell, H. On Christian nurture (1847-61).
Krupp, Anthony. Reason's Children: Childhood in Early Modern Philosophy. Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 2009. (Bucknell Studies in Eighteenth-Century Literature and Culture)
Descartes: purging the mind of childish ways
Locke and Leibniz: understanding children
Locke: children's language and the fate of changelings
Leibniz: against infant damnation
Wolff: the inferiority of childhood
Baumgarten: childhood and the analogue of reason.
Pickering, Samuel F., Jr. John Locke and Children's Books in Eighteenth-Century England. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1981.
Summerfield, Geoffrey. Fantasy and Reason: Children's Literature in the Eighteenth Century. Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1985. See esp. Introduction (extract) & Chapter 1 & Chapter 7: "Apotheosis of the Chap-Book" (on William Blake). See also negative review:
Myers, Mitzi. “Wise Child, Wise Peasant, Wise Guy: Geoffrey Summerfield's Case Against the Eighteenth Century,” Children's Literature Association Quarterly, Volume 12, Number 2, Summer 1987, pp. 107-110.
Walker, Julian. William Blake and 18th-century children’s literature, British Library, 15 May 2014.
and Reason: Children's Literature in the Eighteenth Century:
Introduction (extract) & Chapter 1 by Geoffrey Summerfield
and Reason: Children's Literature in the Eighteenth Century:
Chapter 7: "Apotheosis of the Chap-Book" by Geoffrey Summerfield
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