It may be added, as a point of interest, that the poet and artist William Blake was particularly insistent on the element of “imagination” contained in all human thought, even in the simplest statements of “given facts”—for instance, he expressed it by declaring that “my streets are my streets of my imagination”. His dislike for certain contemporary exponents of empirical science was largely due to his considering them as denying human imagination, and wanting to “bind” us with nothing but “facts” instead.
SOURCE: Cornforth, Maurice. Communism and Philosophy: Contemporary Dogmas and Revisions of Marxism (London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1980), Part Two: The Theoretical Foundations of Marxism; Chapter 4: The Empiricism of Marxist Theory; section 4: The myth of the factual data; p. 131.
Maurice Cornforth on William Blake vs. the Fetishism of Language
Maurice Cornforth on William Blake, Marx, & Machines
Science versus Idealism by Maurice Cornforth
Logical Empiricism by Maurice Cornforth
Materialism and the Dialectical Method by Maurice Cornforth
Marxism and the Linguistic Philosophy by Maurice Cornforth
Open Philosophy and the Open Society:
A Reply to Dr. Karl Popper’s Refutations of Marxism
by Maurice Cornforth
Science and Evaluation by Maurice Cornforth
Partisanship and Objectivity in Theoretical Work by Maurice Cornforth
Maurice Cornforth on Partisanship and Objectivity by Ralph Dumain
and Philosophy: Contemporary Dogmas and Revisions of Marxism
by Maurice Cornforth
William Blake vs Rationalist Linguistics (Excerpt) by Robert N. Essick
Introduction to William Blake and the Language of Adam by Robert N. Essick
Maurice Cornforth (1909-1980) Study Guide
Positivism vs Life Philosophy (Lebensphilosophie) Study Guide
Offsite links:
and Objectivity in Theoretical Work by Maurice Cornforth
(also on The Autodidact Project web site)
"Maurice Cornforth's Contribution to Marxist Metaethics" by Renzo Llorente
“On Reappraising Maurice Cornforth” by Edwin A. Roberts
Origins of the Private Language Argument by Jan Dejnozka
Maurice Cornforth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (minimal information)
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