Contents |
Translator’s Foreword | ix | |
Author’s Foreword to the German edition | xiii | |
Author’s Introduction | 1 | |
Part I
Analysis in Analysis in Marx’s Capital |
Chapter 1 | Marx on ‘scientific explanation’ | 9 |
Chapter 2 | The transformation of concepts | 13 |
Chapter 3 | Forms of reality and thought | 21 |
Chapter 4 | The starting point | 31 |
Chapter 5 |
Theory and history | 35 |
Grushin’s interpretation | 40 | |
Chapter 6 | Dialectical derivation | 47 |
Marx’s new conception of logic | 59 | |
Methods | 65 | |
Chapter 7 | Causal relations | 71 |
Causality and contradiction | 80 | |
Chapter 8 | Mathematics in Marxian analysis | 89 |
Mathematics | 100 | |
Chapter 9 | Appearance and essence | 103 |
Chapter 10 | Analysis and synthesis in Marx’s Presentation | 108 |
Chapter 11 | Structural-genetic analysis | 113 |
Part II
The Marxian critique of Hegel |
Chapter 12 | The critique of Hegel in the Paris manuscripts | 117 |
The negation of the negation | 117 | |
Hegel’s ‘apparently critical’ position | 122 | |
Objectivity and objectification | 124 | |
Logic and Encyclopedia | 127 | |
Chapter 13 | The Holy Family | 134 |
Chapter 14 | The German Ideology | 138 |
The critical method | 139 | |
The end of philosophy? | 144 | |
Marx and Stirner | 146 | |
The active individual | 150 | |
philosophy as a unification of Spinoza and Fichte? |
156 | |
It is not sufficient to make Feuerbach practical | 160 | |
Marx and Ruge | 169 | |
Chapter 15 | The Poverty of Philosophy | 173 |
Chapter 16 | Stages in the Marxian critique of Hegel | 176 |
Chapter 17 | A new type of rationality and
the supersession of traditional ontology |
187 |
Part III
Being, Praxis and Reason |
Chapter 18 | Kant and Marx | 193 |
Chapter 19 | The supersession of traditional ontology | 203 |
Chapter 20 | Praxis and reason | 209 |
Notes | 214 | |
Bibliography | 239 | |
Translator’s Bibliography | 246 | |
Index | 248 |
SOURCE: Zelený, Jindřich. The Logic of Marx, translated and edited by Terrell Carver. Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1980. [xiii], 251 pp.
“On the Dialectico-Materialist Type of Rationality”
by Jindrich Zeleny
Logique formelle, logique dialectique: Préface a la 3e édition
par Henri Lefebvre
in A Dictionary of Marxist Thought
Roy Edgley · Roy Bhaskar · Robert M. Young
Philosophy of Paraconsistency & Associated Logics (Web Guide)
Salvaging Soviet Philosophy (1)
and Dialectical Consistency by Jindřich Zelený
[corrected from original: From
the Logical Point of View
(Prague), Vol. 1, 1994, pp. 35-51].
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