Editorial Preface | v | |
Introduction by MIHAILO MARKOVIĆ / Praxis: Critical Social Philosophy in Yugoslavia | xi | |
Acknowledgements | xxxvii | |
MIHAILO MARKOVIĆ / Dialectic Today | 3 | |
MILAN KANGRGA / The Meaning of Marx’s Philosophy | 45 | |
SVETOZAR STOJANOVIĆ / A Tension in Historical Materialism | 63 | |
VOJIN MILIĆ / Some One-Sided Conceptions of Social Determinism | 81 | |
JOVAN ARANDJELOVIĆ / Historical Science and the Philosophy of History | 89 | |
MIHAILO DJURIĆ / Homo Politicus | 101 | |
ANDRIJA KREŠIĆ / Political Dictatorship: The Conflict of Politics and Society | 121 | |
DANKO GRLIĆ / Revolution and Terror | 139 | |
GAJO PETROVIĆ / The Philosophical Concept of Revolution | 151 | |
ZAGORKA GOLUBOVIĆ / Culture as a Bridge Between Utopia and Reality | 167 | |
MILADIN ŽIVOTIĆ / Between Two Types of Modern Culture | 187 | |
DJURO ŠUŠNJIĆ / Ideas and Life | 199 | |
BRANKO BOŠNJAK / The Withering Away of Religion in Socialism | 209 | |
DOBRICA ĆOSIĆ / Culture and Revolution | 217 | |
PREDRAG VRANICKI / Theoretical Foundations for the Idea of Self-Management | 229 | |
RUDI SUPEK / Some Contradictions and Insufficiencies of Yugoslav Self-Managing Socialism | 249 | |
VELJKO RUS / Institutionalization of the Revolutionary Movement | 273 | |
LJUBOMIR TADIĆ / Bureaucracy — Reified Organization | 289 | |
DRAGOLJUB MIĆUNOVIĆ / Bureaucracy and Public Communication | 303 | |
SRDJAN VRCAN / Social Equality and Inequality in the Bourgeois World and in Socialism | 317 | |
IVAN KUVAĆIĆ / Middle Class Ideology | 333 | |
ANTUN ŽVAN / Ecstasy and Hangover of a Revolution | 357 | |
Appendix I — Table of Contents to the Published Issues of Praxis International Edition 1965-1974 | 371 | |
Appendix II — Cumulative Author Index to the Published Issues of Praxis International Edition 1965-1974 | 385 | |
Notes on Contributors by Gajo Petrović | 389 | |
Bibliographical Details of the Essays appearing in this Volume | 399 | |
Index of Names |
401 | |
SOURCE: Praxis: Yugoslav Essays in the Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, translated by Joan Coddington, David Rougé, [et al.]; edited by Mihailo Marković and Gajo Petrović. Dordrecht, Holland; Boston: D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1979. (Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science; v. 36, Synthese Library; v. 134) Selections from the Praxis Jugoslavensko izdanje 1965-1974 by the Praxis group. Table of contents, ix-x.
Contributors: Mihailo Marković, Gajo Petrović, Joan Coddington, David Rougé, Milan Kangrga, Svetozar Stojanović, Vojin Milić, Jovan Arandjelović, Mihailo Djurić, Andrija Krešić, Danko Grlić, Zagorka Golubović, Miladin Životić, Djuro Šušnjić, Branko Bošnjak, Dobrica Ćosić, Predrag Vranicki, Rudi Supek, Veljko Rus, Ljubomir Tadić, Dragoljub Mićunović, Srdjan Vrcan, Ivan Kuvaćić, Antun Žvan.
See also offsite:
Marković, Mihailo. “The Social Role of a University Professor,” May 6, 1968. Paper presented at the 12th International Seminar, “University Today,” Dubrovnik, July 20-30, 1967. Published by Canadian Union of Students / Union canadienne des étudiants (Ottawa).
Marxist Humanism and Praxis, edited, with translations, by Gerson S. Sher
and Revolution: A Marxist-non-Marxist Humanist Dialogue,
edited by Paul Kurtz and Svetozar Stojanović
Humanist Ethics: Dialogue on Basics, edited by Morris B. Storer
“Is Systematic Philosophy Possible Today?” by Mihailo Marković
Mihailo Marković on systematic philosophy in 1975 by R. Dumain
"The Concept of Critique in Social Science" by Mihailo Marković
“Marx and Critical Scientific Thought” by Mihailo Marković
Dialectical Theory of Meaning: Part One (Extracts) by Mihailo Marković
Dialectical Theory of Meaning: Part Two: Linguistic Meaning (Extract) by Mihailo Marković
Theory of Meaning: Part Three:
General Definition of Meaning: The Interrelationships of the Individual Dimensions
of Meaning
by Mihailo Marković
Nature and Present Day Possibilities of Social Development”
by Mihailo Marković
Bureaucracy, and the Limits of Tolerance:
Concluding Dialogue with Paul Kurtz, Mihailo Marković, J. P. Van Praag,
Niculae Bellu
Praxis as the Ground of Morality
by Mihailo Marković
Reason and Historical Praxis by Mihailo Marković
“History and Class Consciousness” by Gajo Petrović
Yugoslav Praxis Philosophy Study Guide
Secular Humanism—Ideology, Philosophy, Politics, History: Bibliography in Progress
Salvaging Soviet Philosophy (1)
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