The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology

Alvin W. Gouldner

New York: Basic Books, 1970


PART I: Sociology: Contradictions and Infrastructure

CHAPTER 1: Introduction: Toward a Critique of Sociology 3

Sociology as Popular Culture 4

New Sentiments, Old Theories 7

Sociology and the New Left: A Paradox 9

Criticism and the Historical Perspective 15

CHAPTER 2: Sociology and Sub-Sociology 20

Toward a Sociology of Sociology 25

The Character of Sociology 27

Background and Domain Assumptions 29

The Importance of Domain Assumptions: A Research Note 36

Sentiments and Theory 37

Personal Reality and Social Theory 40

The Infrastructure of Social Theory 46

Theoretical Infrastructure and Ideology 47

Methodology as Ideology 49

The Autonomy of Social Structure as Domain Assumption 51

The Contradiction of Autonomy 54

CHAPTER 3: Utilitarian Culture and Sociology 61

The Middle Class and Utilitarian Culture 61

Anomie: The Normal Pathology of Utilitarianism 65

The Unemployed Self 73

The Pecuniary Paradigm of Utility 74

The Welfare State and the Disposal and Control of the Useless 76

The Psychedelic Revolt Against Utilitarianism 78

The Limits of the Welfare State 80

Utilitarian Culture and Social Theory 82

CHAPTER 4: What Happened in Sociology: An Historical Model of Structural Development 88


     Sociology as a Counterbalance to Individualistic Utilitarianism

     The Extrusion of the Economic from the Social

     Positivist Grand Theory and the Restoration Stalemate

     Detachment and Objectivity

     Positivism: Between Restoration and Revolution


     The Social Utilitarianism of Marxism

     The Binary Fission of Marxism and Academic Sociology

     Positivism and Subsequent Functionalism

     The Schism between Romantic and Utilitarian Cultural Syndromes


     The Decline of Evolutionism and Rise of Functionalism

     Differentiation of the German and French Responses to Utilitarianism

     Continuities between Positivism and Functionalism

     The Problem of Anthropology and Sociology in England

     Functionalism in English Anthropology

     The Extrusion of Religion

     Sociology’s Integration into the University


     Structural-Functionalism as a Synthesis of French Functionalism and German Romanticism

     The Sociology of Morals: A Structural Lacuna in Sociology

     Structural-Functionalism in the Context of the Great Depression

    The General Crisis of Middle-Class Society and Parsonsianism

     Internationalization of Academic Sociology

     Positivism and Parsons: From Scientism to Professionalism


     Marxism and Academic Sociology: Schism and Growing Polycentrism

     Parsonsianism: Impending Entropy

PART II: The World of Talcott Parsons

CHAPTER 5: The Early Parsons 167

The Importance of Parsons 167

University Structure and Theoretical Detachment 169

Parsons at Harvard 172

The Debate About Capitalism 178

Toward the Perfection of Capitalism 182

The Drift Toward Theoretical Voluntarism 185

Alienation and Voluntarism 189

The Liberalization of Functionalism 195

CHAPTER 6 Making the World Whole: Parsons as a Systems Analyst 199

Notes Toward a Sociology of Theoretical Obscurity 200

The Conceptual System as Icon 205

Parsons as System Analyst 210

Problems of System Analysis 210

System Interdependence 213

Functional Autonomy and Interdependence 215

Moral Codes as Conductors of Tension 217

The Social System and the Self 218

Anomie as De-Differentiation 224

Weighting the System Elements 226

Equilibrium Problems 231

Declining Marginal Utility of Conformity 232

Constraint and the Price of Conformity 234

Scarcity and Supply of Gratifications 236

Reciprocity, Complementarity, and Exploitation 239

Equilibrium and Power Disparities 242

CHAPTER 7: The Moralistics of Talcott Parsons: Religion, Piety, and the Quest for Order in Functionalism 246

Latent Identities 246

The Durkheimian Dilemma 248

Functionalism and the Problem of Order 251

Religion and Morality in Functionalism 254

Functionalism and Religion: Some Survey Data 258

The Piety of Functionalism 262

Social Bases of Moral Concern 266

Morality and Imputed Non Partisanship 273

Positivism and the Moral Crisis of Industrialism 274

Morality and Scarcity Under Industrialism 278

Some Dilemmas and Prospects 282

CHAPTER 8: Parsons on Power and Wealth 286

The Problematics of Power 290

Making American Society Whole: The Importance of Being Rich 297

Toward a Sociology of Property 304

Talcott Parsons on C. Wright Mills 313

Achievement, Ascription, and the Family 320

Anomie and Property Institutions 323

Differentiation of the Prestige Hierarchy and Moral Code 326

The Nature of Functionalist Conservatism: A Summary and Overview 331

Functionalism as Value Unfree 333

PART III: The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology

CHAPTER 9: The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology, I: The Shift toward the Welfare State 341

The Welfare State and Functionalism 342

Pressure of the Welfare State 344

Change Theory 351

Aspects of Parsons’ Change Analysis 353

The Drift Toward Marxism 354

Differentiation: The Forces Versus the Relations of Production 357

The Parsons-Marx Convergence in Evolutionism 362

Smelser and Moore: The Functionalist Convergence With Marxism 368

CHAPTER 10: The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology, II: The Entropy of Functionalism and the Rise of New Theories 373

Entropy and the Seed Group 374

The Disaffection of the Young 376

Other Symptoms of the Crisis: Goffman’s Dramaturgy 378

Ethnomethodology: Sociology as a Happening 390

Homans: The Tough-Minded World of Exchange 395

Theory and Its Infrastructure 396

New Left and New Infrastructure 399

Social Theory and the University 402

Theory, Infrastructure, and New Generations 404

Sociology and the New Left 405

Résumé 410

CHAPTER 11: From Plato to Parsons: The Infrastructure of Conservative Social Theory 412

The Partially Good World 414

Ambivalence Toward Society 415

Is Evil Real? 417

The World as Good and Evil 418

No Society, No Humanness 419

The Metaphysics of Hierarchy 421

An Orderly World 422

The Legitimate and the Authentic 423

Deviance and Anomie 425

The Costs of Conformity 428

Insatiable Man 430

Pessimism: Death and the Human Condition 432

The Viability of the Functionalist Infrastructure 435

The Potential of a Radical Sociology 437

A Note on the Future of Sociology 443

CHAPTER 12: Notes on the Crisis of Marxism and the Emergence of Academic Sociology in the Soviet Union 447

The Crisis Of Soviet Marxism: The Linguistics Controversy 452

Functionalism Goes East 455

Academic Sociology in the Soviet Bloc 459

Social Sources Of Academic Sociology in the Soviet Union 463

The Mandate of Soviet Sociology: Societal Integration 465

A Model of the Structural Sources of the Institutionalization of Academic Sociology 467

The Coming Readjustment in World Sociology 473

Institutes and University Contexts for Sociology 476

PART IV: Epilogue: The Theorist Pulls Himself Together, Partially

CHAPTER 13: Living as a Sociologist: Toward a Reflexive Sociology 481

Social Theory And Personal Reality In “The Coming Crisis Of Western Sociology” 482

Social Worlds, Permitted and Unpermitted 484

Toward a Reflexive Sociology 488

Sociology and the Liberal Technologues 500

Reflexive Sociology and Radical Sociology 503

Reflexive Sociology as a Work Ethic 504

History and Biography: a Slippage 507

Reflexive Sociology Looks at Itself 510

Index 513

SOURCE: Gouldner, Alvin W. The Coming Crisis of Western Sociology. New York, Basic Books, 1970.  See also:

For Sociology: Renewal and Critique in Sociology Today. New York: Basic Books, 1973.

For my overview and notes on Gouldner see my page Alvin Gouldner: Notes & Commentary. See esp. my notes on Gouldner’s defense of The Coming Crisis in For Sociology:

4 The politics of the mind (82) and 5 For sociology (128).

Alvin Gouldner: Notes & Commentary
by R. Dumain

Alvin Gouldner on the New Class & the Culture of Critical Discourse

"Theory and Ideology" by Alvin Gouldner

Alvin Gouldner on Intellectuals & the Social Totality

Romanticism and Classicism: Deep Structures in Social Science by Alvin Gouldner

The Dialectic of Ideology and Technology: The Origins, Grammar, and Future of Ideology by Alvin Gouldner

"Prologue to a Theory of Revolutionary Intellectuals" by Alvin W. Gouldner

"Stalinism: A Study of Internal Colonialism" by Alvin W. Gouldner

Jeff Schmidt on Ideology and Professionals

C. Wright Mills condemns American sociology (1943)

Du Bois on Religion (Contents)
ed. by Phil Zuckerman

The Failure of the Negro Intellectual
by E. Franklin Frazier

Ideology Study Guide

The Philosophy of Theory and Practice: Selected Bibliography

Positivism vs Life Philosophy (Lebensphilosophie) Study Guide

Philosophy and the Division of Labor: Selected Bibliography

Reflexivity & Situatedness Study Guide

Marx and Marxism Web Guide

More offsite:

Alvin Gouldner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Excellence, Reflexivity, and Racism: On Sociology’s Nuclear Contradiction and Its Abiding Crisis
by Michael D. Kennedy, Prabhdeep S. Kehal, and Laura Garbes
(February 3, 2018)

Alvin W. Gouldner and Industrial Sociology at Columbia University
by James Chriss (2001)

Slow Thoughts for Fast Times: Why Mills and Not Gouldner
by Charles Lemert
(Fast Capitalism, 1.2, 2005)

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