The Committee of Sixwho have sponsored the organization ofTHE INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION
Note: The above cover letter and prospectus/report are undated but were likely composed in 1958 or the beginning of 1959, judging by the announcement cited below. * The entire package was typewritten, mimeographed, and stapled together. The title page and committee list on the reverse side were printed on green paper. Except for the cover letter, there are two pages to a sheet, omitting blank even-numbered last pages. Each individual page is here separated by a horizontal line across the entire web page. The actual Prospectus/Report comprises 3 sheets = 5 pages + 1 blank page (omitted here). The Greetings are 2 pages (= 1 sheet) and the list of endorsers is 1 page (with blank page on the back side).
The layout and typefaces of the cover letter are approximated here. Floyd Hardin’s signature belongs in the empty space in the closing. The layout of the green sheet is approximated but more loosely. No attempt was made to duplicate the appearance of the actual report except for the separation of the pages, and the formatting (typepface, italicizing & boldfacing, etc.) was altered for better readability.
* Announcement in “Dates and Indexes” section of ETC: A Review of General Semantics, vol. 16, no. 2, Winter 1959, pp. 249-253.
INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION is the name of an organization being formed by Mario Pei, Floyd Hardin, T. T. Tilford, E. B. Stephens, and L. J. Grant. Among its purposes are to act as a center of information and propaganda for the international language movement and the desire to publish a directory and a bibliography of international language systems. Information about the association may be secured from the Executive Secretary: T. T. Tilford, Box 6, McCulloch Hall, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.
Jen anonco en Ido-Vivo, n-ro 3, 1988:
Ni recevis letro, skribita en ecelant Ido, de Anesio de Lara C. Jr., São Paulo. Il dicas ke il korespondis kun plura Idisti en yari de cirkum 1958 til cirkum 1964, kande il esis direktanto bibliotekala di INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE ASSOCIATION qua havis sideyo en Denver, Colorado, Usa. Anesio demandis informi pri Ido-edituri, revui, societi e c ., e ni sendis apta respondo. Se irga lektero deziras relatar kun Anesio, voluntez skribar a Tom Lang.
Circular: Letter
to Floyd Hardin, October 3, 1958
from Mario Pei
Quest for World Language
Called Brawling Competition
(The Blade [Toledo, Ohio], Wednesday,
August 14, 1963, p. 9)
International Language Review (issues listing + selected contents)
Carnap on Wittgenstein & Esperanto / Carnap pri Wittgenstein & Esperanto
"Lingvoplanado" (Language Planning) de Rudolf Carnap
Wittgenstein and Constructed Languages: Wittgenstein, Esperanto
by T. Peter Park
Philosophical and Universal Languages, 1600-1800, and Related Themes: Selected Bibliography
Esperanto & Interlinguistics Study Guide / Retgvidilo pri Esperanto & Interlingvistiko
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