Though it is at odds with the purpose of “The Autodidact Project” to take partisanship or a diversion into extraneous subject matter too far, it is also the case that certain information will be of especial use to the struggling autodidact in the process of making sense out of a confusing world and barrage of discordant information. We aim to provide what the rest of the world does not. Hence, our interest in "alternative" ideas must be somewhat biased: we need not go to the trouble of documenting alternatives that already have huge industries to support them or are of a dubious ideological nature (speaking from the vantage point of the USA, which is not everyone's). On the contrary, we need to provide the tools for a critical assessment of obfuscation and obscurantism. Hence, it is time to introduce a new feature: short bibliographies on selected topics that either address certain philosophical issues of intellectual urgency, or simply provide pathways into intellectually useful but obscure topics in philosophy and communications. Whether the subject is fascism and holistic thought, or something specialized yet of potentially great significance such as the philosophy of humor, such mini-bibliographies will be added to this new series. Please stay tuned.
4 May 2000
©2000 Ralph Dumain
The Autodidact Project: Summary of History & Scope
Researching the Autodidact as a Concept
BBC Wiltshire Interview on The Autodidact Project
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